Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Review Weeks to Planning Weeks:

I am a fan of the review weeks. It was nice to have a week when most chaos occurs in the semester to have a review and do some evaluations. Not having a new reading or story was really nice during those weeks. I have never been a "planner". So for me, personally, I think I would adapt to the review week more. I am also the worst at time management... so I probably could use the planning weeks and that would have been for me but I know myself.. I create these plans and never stick to them. 

Story Planning Option:

I did not use the story planning option at all during the semester. I just dive right into my stories and think as I type. This has been my go to writing style for years and it has managed to get me by. I do think it is a good opportunity for those who are wanting to expand more onto their story or have a very in depth detailed story. For me, I never create a "rough draft", or plan my stories. 

Create More Audio:

This is something I think you should work on. I believe it is a lot easier to listen to an entire story book versus reading one. You can also multitask while listening and you often cannot when reading. I like to listen to lectures in the car or sometimes while running. I think if I could listen to my weekly readings either running or in the car that would be a lot easier for me. I just get so bored sitting down and reading for 30 minutes to an hour. I have to stay focused or my mind wonders. I do hope you create more audio for mythology and folklore. I think a lot of students will benefit from it.

Writing Tutorial:

Personally, I did not try a new writing style in this class. Although, if you do want to try a new style, this would be the class to try it in. I think the tutorials would be helpful for those who truly do want to expand their writing techniques but that was not the case for me. Each week, I would write my style the same way. Yes it probably was a little boring but it got the job done. I was comfortable and knew what and how to do it. I did not have to focus so much on learning the style, I was able to just jump right in and start writing. 

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