Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Reading Notes; Italian Popular Tales Unit- Part B

The cock that wished to become pope.

-The ending threw me off.
-The story was a bit odd.
- I did not necessarily enjoy the story but was thinking of adding a sequel.

So... at the end, the sexton kills both the cock and the hen. 
In my story, I could start it with the cock being the pope. 
Go into detail and add the part of the original story where the sexton captures the hen and cock.

Write about how to cock and hen got free and he became the pope. 

Pope Chicken. 

Reading Notes; Italian Popular Tales- Part A

The Man, The Serpent and The Fox..

- very interesting story
- a little confusing at times
- you can't trust anyone.
- the fox leaves the serpent.

 I think I want to change the story completely. 
The man and the serpent meet up in a mysterious forrest. 
They need food to survive and come up on a fox.
They try to catch the fox but the fox leads them to an invisible mansion from the outside. Once you cross the sacred line the mansion becomes visible and there is a a giant feast.

Mansion Feast

The man, the serpent, and the fox from the Italian Popular Tales Unit 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 13- Review; spelling can be tricky

very true 

I found this meme from Sunday's announcements of week 13. It  made me laugh because this is so true. I am not the greatest speller but just from one simple letter, it can make a huge difference. I do not know if I found this so funny because it is 2AM and I am sleep deprived or what.

I usually do not read the announcements so I often miss a lot of the memes or videos.  I just go straight to the assignments and don't bother with anything else. I am glad I did because there is actually some really fun/useful information on the announcements. I wish I would have read them from the start but I can definitely read them for the last two weeks. 

Famous Last Words: HELP

Yikes!!! The semester is coming to an end and I am not ready for it at all! This last week was Thanksgiving and I had an incredible time with my family. I am not having such an incredible time academically because…. I did N O T H I N G over Thanksgiving break. I am so mad at myself but it happens and I just have to deal with it. I already procrastinate enough so this week really threw me off. I always have these elaborate plans to catch up or even get a head start on my courses during breaks but it never happens.. I know it never happens but I continue to plan for it. Doing homework over breaks is hard… I want to hang out with friends and family not do homework. This next week I literally need to get my sh*t together or else I won’t be graduating. To help me do that, I am not going to be seeing my friends as much because my friends are not going to pay my bills but my college degree/career will. I will do my homework at a reasonable time so I do not feel so rushed and submit poorly executed work. I also need to start going to bed earlier so I don’t feel exhausted and just take a nap instead of doing my homework. I love naps so this will be a real struggle. This upcoming week is going to be rough but I am to the point where I have to do everything and cannot afford not to. Here is hoping for the best and that I get everything done!

the strug

Learning Challenge; T I M E

My Life
If this isn't my life then I do not know what is.

I am the worlds greatest procrastinator. I somehow have managed to procrastinate my entire college career and am graduating in December ( a semester late... probably due to procrastination but its fine).

I think social media has caused problems for a majority of college students. It is A L W A Y S there. Most of us have our phones by us at all time and with one finger, your phone is unlocked and your on Facebook, thats how it is for me anyways. I will catch myself on my phone on Facebook and not even realize I've stopped doing my homework. 
Lately I have started leaving my phone in my room and doing homework in the living room or kitchen. It is helping because I am often to lazy to get up and grab the phone.
I still get on it on my computer but it just feels weird getting on twitter, or Facebook from the computer so I don't as often. 

Hopefully my procrastination will eventually end but I would not get anything done without it. 

Growth Mindset; Learn Something New

This meme made me laugh and I loved it because turtles are my favorite animal. I had one for like 5 years but she died ( RIP Apple).

Study something N E W !!!! 
That is so important to me. I feel like if I did not branch out and study other subjects during my college career, I would be so boring. I would have gotten burnt out real quick and feel as if I would have lost interest in my major. I was at that point last year. I was over school, my major, and basically everything school related. I needed a break and to focus on something else for a semester. I did exactly that. I started taking a few classes that did not have anything to do with my major and just took them for my own self interest. I am so glad I did. It was a nice refresh and break. I was able to enjoy them and then when I was in my major courses, they did not seem so horrible.

So please, study something new even if it has nothing to do with your major. :) 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Extra Reading Notes; Grimm- Part A

The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage

- w h a t ?
-very strange yet interesting story.
- each character has a job
-bird; fetching fire wood
-sausage; cooking dinner
-mouse; fetch water for pot of food
-once one starts complaining of said job, things go wrong
- all end up dying.

While reading, I thought of the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I could re write the story in reference to that. There are a group of friends who all own a bar and each do their part. Someone (Charlie) would start complaining and then a dramatic even would happen.

Always Sunny

The Mouse, The Bird and the Sausage from the Grimm Unit

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Reading Notes: Crane- Part B

The Robber Bridegroom:

- very interesting story

- father chooses man to marry daughter

- daughters husband turns out to be crazy and is going to cut her into pieces

- While reading, I thought of a tv show.
-could write the story as if they are filming for a horror show
-use the bride and bridegroom as the main characters
-keep the same plot and setting



Grimm: The Robber Bridegroom from the Crane Unit

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Reading Notes: Crane- Part A


-Keep the traditional snow white theme.

-Young snow white being beautiful, the most beautiful of the kingdom

- The queen being envious of snow white

- the queen kidnaps snow white

- snow white poisons the queen

- the queen tries to kill snow white 

- Snow white can use her animals as an army.



Grimm: Snow White from the Cranes Unit

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Story: Cake cake cake


         It was a quiet evening at 346 Berryhill Road, when one lady had a knock at her door. She was not expecting visitors, since she had just moved to the neighborhood a few days ago. She answered the door with caution, “Hello, who is there?” yelled the woman. “Hi, it’s me Cheryl, your new neighbor” answered the visitor. The woman opened the door and invited “Cheryl” in.

Little did the woman know what she did, Cheryl was most definitely not the new neighbor. Cheryl was a witch and since she was allowed in, she was able to stay at the house. This was a special night for the witch, it was the night of their monthly witch meeting. The woman was so kind enough to invite the witch in, therefore meaning all the witches were welcome now. The woman’s house was the hosting event for the monthly witch meeting. The owner of the house still had no idea what was to come until she heard another knock at the door. Surprised she had another visitor, she answered the door and it was a group of women. They all claimed to be her new neighbors and walked in. “Finally, everyone is here” said the first witch. The woman still confused as to what is happening, sat down and listened to the other women talk in her home. She was hearing them speak of a weird language and could not make out what was being said until she realized they were casting spells. She quickly jumped up and asked “What is going on here?” and one witch replied, “Oh darling, it’s you initiation night”. “My what?” replied the woman. “HUSH! It is time to begin” said the main witch, Cheryl.

         The meeting was starting and the woman was front and center. The other witches surrounding her, chanting and casting spells. The woman did not want to be a witch and wanted to leave so badly. She had to think of a way to get out of this before the initiation was over. She thought for a few minutes and decided to bake a cake. She yelled out,” Before we start, I am sure you guys are very hungry from your day of travel, let me bake you a cake.” The witches all looked at each other and decided they would cast their spells more powerfully if they had some food in their stomach. They accepted her cake offer and the woman went to the kitchen.

the poison
         The woman needed to bake the cake but it needed to be poisonous so the witches would eat the cake and get terribly sick and leave. She searched through her cupboards until she finally found what she needed, Arsenic. She quickly added the arsenic into the batter and put the cake into the oven. Thirty minutes later and it was done, cooked to perfection. She quickly added some frosting and a few decorations and it was ready to be eaten. The witches scarfed down the cake and a few of them even said “this was the best cake I have eaten”. The woman was gleaming with excitement for her plan had worked. After about 10 minutes, she noticed the witches were all moving slowly and a few were already asleep. Finally, all the witches were asleep and the woman was able to escape. She quickly gathered her things and headed straight to the airport. She caught a flight and never returned to 346 Berryhill Road.
nighty night, witch

Authors Note:

I read the story "The Horned Women" from the celtic fairy tales unit. In this story, horned women (witches) enter a woman's home. The woman feels trapped and the witches start demanding things of the woman. One was for the woman to build them a cake. In the story, they keep demanding the woman to make and do things and the woman can't. The witches finally leave the house and the woman is left safely. I decided to use the same plot and elements of the story. I focused on the cake and used that as a key factor in my story. The woman ended up leaving her house versus the witches leaving. Since Halloween was just here, I decided this story would be a good edition to my page. 


The Horned Women from the Celtic Fairy Tales unit.