Monday, August 29, 2016

Growth Mindset.

I have no heard of Carol Dweck's or growth mindset before this class. That being said, I wish I had. I thought what she had to say was very relatable  I liked how she talked about making challenge the new comfort zone. I one hundred percent agree with her. I used to be for the easy route all the way until I came to college and felt like I knew nothing. You need to challenge yourself to keep growing. If I would have kept choosing the easy way, I don't think I would have learned but a fourth of what I know now. I also agree with her on having fixed and growth mindsets. I remember in middle school how you could look uncool or nerdy for exceeding in school. Middle school is an awful time, in my opinion. You follow your peers and often do not do some things you make want to do but don't for the sole purpose of not looking dumb. I am excited to learn more about growth mindset because I have caught myself not doing something because I feel limited or that I just can't do it. I think having a growth type of mindset will allow me to have the thought process that I can do anything and can't be limited.
Infinite Opportunities
this image stuck out to my because with a growth mindset the light bulb is constantly on and growing with new opportunities. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Starting the Semester


So... I am completely opposite of how most start out at the beginning of the semester. I am extremely unorganized the first week of the semester. It takes me about a week to get into a groove and from then I become more and more organized as the semester goes on. My biggest tip to stay organized is using my planner religiously. If it is not written in my planner then it will not get done. I write every homework, due date, appointment, exams ...etc. in my planner. it is my life. My next go to tip is to become friends with at least one person in the class. Get their phone number or email address so that if you were ever unclear or just needed help on an assignment, you could easily text them and get some clarification.

My favorite saying that I say is "I would never get anything done if it wasn't for procrastination".
This is my life to a T and with the help of my planner... I don't procrastinate as much but its still happening.

Story: Tommy the Fish Thief

One mustn't steal fish

Every night there was little Tommy Tittlemouse glancing out his window to see his neighbors having the wildest parties. Tommy was never invited and began to hate his neighbors for the lack of invites. He watched with envy as people went in and out of the house, everyone smiling and having the greatest time. Tommy often wondered how they were able to have such amazing parties. He started to watch his neighbors every chance he got, he noticed that they were constantly fishing. He saw them catching loads of fish and at the parties every guest was eating the fish. Tommy knew he figured out the secret to having a great party. He went out to the pond behind his house and caught a plethora of fish. He just knew he was about to have the party of his life until no one came. They still continued to go next door for the party. Tommy was infuriated by this. He decided that if there was no fish then there would be no parties. Tommy began to fish in the neighbor’s pond and started to steal all of their fish. Once all the fish were gone, the neighbors no longer had parties. Tommy now had to best fish and everyone flocked to Tommy’s house. He was now able to experience what he envied for so long. His dreams came true as Tommy became the most popular person with the best fish on the block. 

Authors Note:
I chose the nursery:
"Little Tommy Tittlemouse
lived in a little house
he caught fishes;
in other mens ditches"
I created a story to explain Tommy to tie my story that was relatable to something in my life. In college there are a lot of parties and often certain houses compete to have the best party. Little Tommy Tittlemouse wanted to have the best house party and stole to be successful in having one, 

This story was in reference to "Little Tommy Tittlemouse" in The Nursery Rhyme Book

Friday, August 26, 2016

Reading Options

For my week 2 reading a I chose, Homer's Odyssey. This unit grabbed my attention because it is a journey. I feel like this unit will be easy to follow and interesting to read about the journey and what problems arise. When thinking of a journey, I think of a thriller and the suspense of what will happen next and how that person will defeat the problems and so I am looking forward to reading about Odysseus and his journey. 

The next unit that grabbed my attention was, Alice in Wonderland. I loved the movie as a child and was often Alice for halloween. The connection I had from the movie and knowing somewhat about Alice in wonderland grabbed my attention. I think I will enjoy this one because I have seen the movie and will be able to compare the movie with the text.

Since I chose Alice in Wonderland, I subconsciously went to Alice's Looking Glass. Until recently I did not know there were two different stories of Alice in Wonderland. This story grabbed my attention because I want to learn actually what is "Through the looking glass and what Alice found there" because it has never really been mentioned until recently. There is a film coming out that is called "Alice through the looking glass". If this movie had not come out, I would have never known there were two stories of Alice in Wonderland. 

The final unit I chose was Cupid and Psyche. I chose this because I have always been curious as to why we have those imaginary figures on certain holidays (easter bunny, santa claus). I think it will be interesting to read and find out why we reference Cupid on valentines day. I have always wondered that but never thought to look it up. 

I chose all of my units aside from week 2 solely based off of the title and whether I had any connection to it or not. If I did not know anything about it, I did not click on it. I think for me if I can have a slight reference to what it will be about, it will be easier for me to follow and understand. 

The Rabbit
I chose this picture because the rabbit was one of my favorite characters in the movie. It is the first character you see from the imaginary world Alice enters. I also liked how the movie represented the rabbit so well from this image.In both movie and image, the rabbit wears a checkered jacket. 

Storybook Favorites

For my first favorite I chose, Gossip Girl: The Dirt on Hawaii's Elite. The title immediately grabbed my attention because I am a huge gossip girl fan. Therefore, I knew I was going to enjoy this story. If you know gossip girl then you would know she executed her story perfectly as to how gossip girl would tell a story. I like how her page was set up, it was very easy to navigate and I  really liked her background and how it seemed as if it was moving when you clicked through out the chapters. I did not know any of the content within the story other than the gossip girl factor. I liked how there was a lot of narration and not a lot of conversation, it made the story more easy to follow.

Second favorite: LSD in a yellow submarine. I am not sure why, but I thought of the Beatles when reading the title of this one. I am also a Beatles fan so I decided to click on it and see what this story was about. I was not familiar with any of the content of the story. I liked how the page was very simple. There wasn't a whole lot going on and that made it easier to follow along and not get distracted. I liked how the page was set up and it was very easy to navigate. I also liked how there was just the introduction, first story, and second story. It made it seem short and sweet and very easy to follow along with.

Third favorite: E! News Special: Diary Reveal. I chose this one simply based off the title. I watch E! News multiple times through out the week and I loved how someone made one of there stories as if it was an E! News segment. The layout of the blog was nice,very simple and easy to navigate. I think the stories that are inspired from something I already know and interested in made them more excited to read. I plan on basing my story off of a show that I am interested in to make the process easier and to already give me sort of an outline of how the story will go.

LSD Submarine

I chose this picture because I honestly do not think one could create a better picture to describe a "LSD Submarine". T;he color scheme is wonderful and the pattern just enhances the picture. I think this picture was a perfect fit for the story:"LSD in a yellow submarine". 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

As told by Geena

The life of Geena Hadjiconstantinou

Hi, I'm Geena! I was born in El Paso, Texas but grew up in Tuttle, OK all my life. For those of you who have never heard of Tuttle ( most people haven't) it is a small country/farm town. My principal would often drive his tractor to school so that should give you a good picture of where I grew up. The school was extremely small as well, I graduated with 99 and it was primarily an all white school.  I started at OU when I was a freshman and have been here all 4.5 years of my college career. I must say the transition from small town country life to an actual city that had more than just one street light was a bit much. It was almost like slight culture shock to me. I managed to figure out a lot of things on my own and grow an immense amount my freshman year.  I continually thank OU because I would be a completely different person with different outlooks if I had not attended school here. I am studying to become a licensed drug and alcohol counselor. I changed my major and career choice multiple times and believe I have finally chosen what I want to pursue in life and I am excited to be ending my undergrad in December and start my masters program in August.  I am ready to embark on a new life and opportunities once I am completely finished with school and can finally start helping people who need help the most! 

Aside from school, I work at Midfirst Bank on campus corner part time. If you happen to bank there, come by and say Hi!! I enjoy some of the most basic hobbies, going to the mall, getting my nails done, dancing and going to the bars. I danced competitively for 13 years. I wanted a fresh start and was starting to get burnt out on dance so I stopped dancing when I came to college. My ultimate favorite place to go out on the weekend is "Groovy's"!!! It's a dance club (funny dancing not like grinding...) and it is amazing. They play like 70's-90's music and glitter falls from the ceiling whenever a katy perry song comes on. Its quite magical. I enjoy traveling as well and am in the process of planning a European backpacking adventure for this summer before I get tied down with graduate school and a career. If you have ever been backpacking in Europe of have a favorite country / city please let me know!!! 

There is a brief intro for me and I plan on adding more so stay tuned! 
| normal is boring |

This video is an actual representation of my life: She wants to take a nap

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Favorite Place

Photo of Park Guell
One of my favorite places I have traveled is Barcelona, Spain. I immediately fell in love with the very detailed architecture and bright colors through out the city. It was very different than my rural town, Tuttle, OK. In Park Guell, there are a lot of colored tiles through out the park that make up shapes and designs. Another reason I love Barcelona is the Mediterranean Sea. I am obsessed with sail boats and there were a good 15 of them in the water when I went to the beach.. Needless to say, I never wanted to leave. 

Comment Wall

Hola!! Hope you enjoy :)

Here is my website for my portfolio.

Tell my what you think

Test Post

This is my TEST post for the blog... yAy!