Thursday, November 10, 2016

Story: Cake cake cake


         It was a quiet evening at 346 Berryhill Road, when one lady had a knock at her door. She was not expecting visitors, since she had just moved to the neighborhood a few days ago. She answered the door with caution, “Hello, who is there?” yelled the woman. “Hi, it’s me Cheryl, your new neighbor” answered the visitor. The woman opened the door and invited “Cheryl” in.

Little did the woman know what she did, Cheryl was most definitely not the new neighbor. Cheryl was a witch and since she was allowed in, she was able to stay at the house. This was a special night for the witch, it was the night of their monthly witch meeting. The woman was so kind enough to invite the witch in, therefore meaning all the witches were welcome now. The woman’s house was the hosting event for the monthly witch meeting. The owner of the house still had no idea what was to come until she heard another knock at the door. Surprised she had another visitor, she answered the door and it was a group of women. They all claimed to be her new neighbors and walked in. “Finally, everyone is here” said the first witch. The woman still confused as to what is happening, sat down and listened to the other women talk in her home. She was hearing them speak of a weird language and could not make out what was being said until she realized they were casting spells. She quickly jumped up and asked “What is going on here?” and one witch replied, “Oh darling, it’s you initiation night”. “My what?” replied the woman. “HUSH! It is time to begin” said the main witch, Cheryl.

         The meeting was starting and the woman was front and center. The other witches surrounding her, chanting and casting spells. The woman did not want to be a witch and wanted to leave so badly. She had to think of a way to get out of this before the initiation was over. She thought for a few minutes and decided to bake a cake. She yelled out,” Before we start, I am sure you guys are very hungry from your day of travel, let me bake you a cake.” The witches all looked at each other and decided they would cast their spells more powerfully if they had some food in their stomach. They accepted her cake offer and the woman went to the kitchen.

the poison
         The woman needed to bake the cake but it needed to be poisonous so the witches would eat the cake and get terribly sick and leave. She searched through her cupboards until she finally found what she needed, Arsenic. She quickly added the arsenic into the batter and put the cake into the oven. Thirty minutes later and it was done, cooked to perfection. She quickly added some frosting and a few decorations and it was ready to be eaten. The witches scarfed down the cake and a few of them even said “this was the best cake I have eaten”. The woman was gleaming with excitement for her plan had worked. After about 10 minutes, she noticed the witches were all moving slowly and a few were already asleep. Finally, all the witches were asleep and the woman was able to escape. She quickly gathered her things and headed straight to the airport. She caught a flight and never returned to 346 Berryhill Road.
nighty night, witch

Authors Note:

I read the story "The Horned Women" from the celtic fairy tales unit. In this story, horned women (witches) enter a woman's home. The woman feels trapped and the witches start demanding things of the woman. One was for the woman to build them a cake. In the story, they keep demanding the woman to make and do things and the woman can't. The witches finally leave the house and the woman is left safely. I decided to use the same plot and elements of the story. I focused on the cake and used that as a key factor in my story. The woman ended up leaving her house versus the witches leaving. Since Halloween was just here, I decided this story would be a good edition to my page. 


The Horned Women from the Celtic Fairy Tales unit. 


  1. I like in general how your story went but I think you need to work on your writing style. You over used some words and your sentences were all short and simple. Try making compound sentences and adding more description. It'll really allow the reader to get into the story.
    I really thought this story was going the way of the hobbit when I first read it! It sounds a lot like the very opening when Gandalf shows up and all the dwarves and they're kinda mucking things up. But also, I don't know why she doesn't want to be a witch! Such a missed opportunity in my opinion.

  2. I love your story. It has a much better twist than the original version. I’m glad that the woman had the main action in rescuing herself the crazy situation. I’m just curious on why you chose arsenic as the main ingredient for the cake. Assuming the witches are inhumanly powerful, otherwise, they could die for the arsenic poisoning. Overall, I like your twist in the story.

  3. I really enjoyed your story and think you did a nice job of retelling it in your own words. I have never read the original source but your authors note does a good job of letting me know about the changes you opted to make. I am so glad I decided to check back in with your page and read this story. It is very entertaining!

  4. Oh, that poor woman! That would really suck to think all of your new neighbors are coming to meet you, and then have them all turn out to be witches! Throughout your story, I was wondering why the witches wanted to recruit this random woman, instead of sacrificing her or casting a terrible spell on her. Also, although I assume the witches are "bad", I wish we had a little more insight to whether or not they are evil or good! Overall your story was great, though.

  5. Dang, I would totally freak out if that happened to me. She's a lot quicker on her feet than I would've been in that situation! I found it pretty hilarious that she had a bottle of arsenic in her cupboard in the modern day as well. Nasty stuff.

  6. I love the background of your blog. I think you did a really good job setting this story up. I like how you gave us the impression that it wasn’t really Cheryl. I’m sure arsenic would indeed make them very sick! Huh, interesting that they fell asleep from arsenic. I like how you kept witches in it. I am not very good at making those mesh with more modern day stories. Good job!

  7. Hey Genna! I really enjoyed your story! I don't know what I would do if I was the only non magical person in a witch neighborhood. I don't think I would be able to think fast enough to save myself like she did, much less be prepared with arsenic. I haven't read the original story but your author's note let me in on the differences. Great job!

  8. Haha I like that she just casually has arsenic in her cupboards. I also enjoy the fact that her go to solution is to bake them a cake. I definitely wouldn’t have thought of that. I have only one minor suggestion: what if you gave the main character a name? It might help the readers to connect with her a little more.

  9. Once again, I love the pictures and the captions you included in this post! You do a great job of engaging the reader and giving the audience more than what they expected when reading your stories! I have two suggestions:
    What if you made the author's note a little longer and give a little information about your perspective on the story, why you chose to write about it, and why you chose this writing style? I always enjoy hearing the backgrounds behind the stories! Also, I think it would be beneficial to give the woman a name. It can be difficult for the reader to connect with a character when they don't have a name.
