Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Growth Mindset: Trust the memes.

How could you doubt Willy Wonka?
I am a VERY firm believer in getting out of your comfort zone. I once was terrified of leaving my sacred zone. Once I decided to just stop caring what people thought, did or expected of me, I truly began to experience life how it is to be experienced. When you are stuck in your comfort zone you miss a lot of experiences due to fear. Some of the best memories of my life happened when I made the leap and did things I never would have done before. I think everyone goes through a phase where they care about what other people think about them more then they care about themselves, I know I did. If you stop caring and start living for yourself wether you make a fool of yourself or not, I truly believe you will be more happy and able to grow more as a person. 

I would not have the friends, memories, and experiences I have today if I did not leave my comfort zone. 

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