Monday, November 28, 2016

Growth Mindset; Learn Something New

This meme made me laugh and I loved it because turtles are my favorite animal. I had one for like 5 years but she died ( RIP Apple).

Study something N E W !!!! 
That is so important to me. I feel like if I did not branch out and study other subjects during my college career, I would be so boring. I would have gotten burnt out real quick and feel as if I would have lost interest in my major. I was at that point last year. I was over school, my major, and basically everything school related. I needed a break and to focus on something else for a semester. I did exactly that. I started taking a few classes that did not have anything to do with my major and just took them for my own self interest. I am so glad I did. It was a nice refresh and break. I was able to enjoy them and then when I was in my major courses, they did not seem so horrible.

So please, study something new even if it has nothing to do with your major. :) 

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