Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

Canvas Logo
Canvas Mobile App!

At first I was very skeptical of canvas. I was so accustom to D2L and did not want to learn a whole new format on my last semester at OU. To my surprise canvas is very simple and easy to use. I have an iPhone and I really like the app. I like how when you open it, it shows all your classes and they are color coded. From there when you choose a class everything is outlined nicely. I especially like the assignment or "modules" part on the app. When you click on it, depending how to professor has it set up, you can then just click on what unit you are on and then all the assignments for that unit are right there. You don't have to search for them. Doing assignments/ quizzes is very easy on the app as well. It formats it so they fit your phone and you don't have to zoom in like you had to on D2L.
Overall, I think the app is nice. It's very convenient for checking messages and assignments on the go. If you are traveling, it is easier to finish assignments if you are not able to access a computer. I think the move from D2L to canvas was a good one. 

Canvas Mobile App Logo

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