Monday, November 28, 2016

Learning Challenge; T I M E

My Life
If this isn't my life then I do not know what is.

I am the worlds greatest procrastinator. I somehow have managed to procrastinate my entire college career and am graduating in December ( a semester late... probably due to procrastination but its fine).

I think social media has caused problems for a majority of college students. It is A L W A Y S there. Most of us have our phones by us at all time and with one finger, your phone is unlocked and your on Facebook, thats how it is for me anyways. I will catch myself on my phone on Facebook and not even realize I've stopped doing my homework. 
Lately I have started leaving my phone in my room and doing homework in the living room or kitchen. It is helping because I am often to lazy to get up and grab the phone.
I still get on it on my computer but it just feels weird getting on twitter, or Facebook from the computer so I don't as often. 

Hopefully my procrastination will eventually end but I would not get anything done without it. 

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