Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Learning Challenge: Happiness is key


I thought this meme was so funny and cute and I had to write about it.
Happiness is something everyone wants but not everyone has. I am privileged to have happiness constantly in my life.

Here are my "keys" to happiness:

1. Family 

2. Chick-Fil-A (I get so grumpy on Sunday's)

3. Friends 

4. The opportunity to travel

5. The University of Oklahoma 

6. My job (so many do not have jobs and I am very fortunate to have a great one )


7. Freedom. ( I live in a country where I can basically do whatever I want. Say what I want, wear what I want, and believe in what I want. I can leave the country and come back to America whenever I want. The opportunities are endless in America and its my choice on how I want to live my life) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like your keys to happiness. You really focus on things that so many people, including myself, take for granted. I also really love Chick-Fil-A and the University of Oklahoma. They are probably two of my very favorite things in this world.
    One of my keys to happiness I definitely reading. If someone would pay me to sit and read all day it would probably be the greatest day of my life. Another one of mine would be my pets. I basically run a farm in my tiny apartment but I love my babies. I have two dogs and a cat and life without them would just not be as fun. Thank you for sharing!
