Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reading Notes: Twenty -Two Goblins- Part B

Twenty -Two Goblins
Part B:

All stories were similar to those of part A. The formatting was the same just different content. 

Key Story: Goblins: The Snakes Poison

Wife gets taken away, husband must go on a journey to find here and wash away her sins (affair?). Ends up getting poisoned and dying and never finding his wife.

While reading this; I thought that possibly the wife chose to leave with fairy prince. The wife had found out her husband has been having an affair and left. If the husband could find her and complete his journey then he would have proved his love for her. 

The husband ends up getting poisoned, which made me think sometimes whats done is done and is unforgivable. The poison could be his punishment for the affair. 

The husband sitting by the river.


Twenty Two Goblins by Arthur W. Ryder

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