Sunday, September 11, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

I think giving and receiving feedback is something everyone struggles with at one point in their lives. Constructive criticism is something I grew up around. Being a dancer, we were constantly giving each other critiques. On competition days, we danced in front of judges who then gave us feedback about our dances. I think if I had not danced, I would not have such a thick skin when it comes to receiving feedback. 

My go to tip when giving feedback is the compliment sandwich. So, with compliment sandwich, you give one nice thing, one critique, and then you end it with another nice compliment.
I feel as if a compliment sandwich isn't as harsh or blunt. I think if the person is sensitive when receiving feedback then it is the perfect combination of niceness but also constructive criticism. 
Tip on receiving feedback is to not take it personally. I think if you just think of it as that person truly trying to help you and not to take it as them offending you then you are more willing to listen to what the person has to say.  

How cool is this photo?

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