Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Twenty Two Goblins- Part A

Twenty Two Goblins
Part A:

Key Characters: The King and The Goblin

Stories: All stories are formatted the same. The goblin tells the King a story then the king must say the correct answer to continue on the journey. Most of the stories revolve around the characters setting out to obtain something (daughter, turtle) but there are obstacles in the way during the journey. 

Key character to focus on: King

The king is the key character in all of the stories, for he is the only reason the stories continue. While reading these stories I realized, that the king was always right. Since the king is always right, the stories continue. This made me think that the King was the one telling the stories or making up all the stories in his head. 
I began to think that these stories where all made up by the King. Was the king mentally ill and the goblin is just a voice in his head?
Was the king imprisoned and making up stories was the only way the pass time? 
Or were all these stories simply a dream the King had one night?

I plan to use these stories to add a new twist and write my own story focusing on the King and how he is actually the one telling/creating the story... not the goblin. 

The King and his goblin

Twenty Two Goblins by Arthur W. Ryder

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