Friday, August 26, 2016

Storybook Favorites

For my first favorite I chose, Gossip Girl: The Dirt on Hawaii's Elite. The title immediately grabbed my attention because I am a huge gossip girl fan. Therefore, I knew I was going to enjoy this story. If you know gossip girl then you would know she executed her story perfectly as to how gossip girl would tell a story. I like how her page was set up, it was very easy to navigate and I  really liked her background and how it seemed as if it was moving when you clicked through out the chapters. I did not know any of the content within the story other than the gossip girl factor. I liked how there was a lot of narration and not a lot of conversation, it made the story more easy to follow.

Second favorite: LSD in a yellow submarine. I am not sure why, but I thought of the Beatles when reading the title of this one. I am also a Beatles fan so I decided to click on it and see what this story was about. I was not familiar with any of the content of the story. I liked how the page was very simple. There wasn't a whole lot going on and that made it easier to follow along and not get distracted. I liked how the page was set up and it was very easy to navigate. I also liked how there was just the introduction, first story, and second story. It made it seem short and sweet and very easy to follow along with.

Third favorite: E! News Special: Diary Reveal. I chose this one simply based off the title. I watch E! News multiple times through out the week and I loved how someone made one of there stories as if it was an E! News segment. The layout of the blog was nice,very simple and easy to navigate. I think the stories that are inspired from something I already know and interested in made them more excited to read. I plan on basing my story off of a show that I am interested in to make the process easier and to already give me sort of an outline of how the story will go.

LSD Submarine

I chose this picture because I honestly do not think one could create a better picture to describe a "LSD Submarine". T;he color scheme is wonderful and the pattern just enhances the picture. I think this picture was a perfect fit for the story:"LSD in a yellow submarine". 

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