Sunday, August 28, 2016

Story: Tommy the Fish Thief

One mustn't steal fish

Every night there was little Tommy Tittlemouse glancing out his window to see his neighbors having the wildest parties. Tommy was never invited and began to hate his neighbors for the lack of invites. He watched with envy as people went in and out of the house, everyone smiling and having the greatest time. Tommy often wondered how they were able to have such amazing parties. He started to watch his neighbors every chance he got, he noticed that they were constantly fishing. He saw them catching loads of fish and at the parties every guest was eating the fish. Tommy knew he figured out the secret to having a great party. He went out to the pond behind his house and caught a plethora of fish. He just knew he was about to have the party of his life until no one came. They still continued to go next door for the party. Tommy was infuriated by this. He decided that if there was no fish then there would be no parties. Tommy began to fish in the neighbor’s pond and started to steal all of their fish. Once all the fish were gone, the neighbors no longer had parties. Tommy now had to best fish and everyone flocked to Tommy’s house. He was now able to experience what he envied for so long. His dreams came true as Tommy became the most popular person with the best fish on the block. 

Authors Note:
I chose the nursery:
"Little Tommy Tittlemouse
lived in a little house
he caught fishes;
in other mens ditches"
I created a story to explain Tommy to tie my story that was relatable to something in my life. In college there are a lot of parties and often certain houses compete to have the best party. Little Tommy Tittlemouse wanted to have the best house party and stole to be successful in having one, 

This story was in reference to "Little Tommy Tittlemouse" in The Nursery Rhyme Book


  1. I like the way you gave the reader a reference for why Tommy was stealing fish. I completely understand what it is like to live on the opposite side of the street of a party house. It was not fun, I never wanted to have parties at my house last year anyway, but I did occasionally get sad when I would not get an invite even after I watched their dog during OU/Texas last year.

  2. I like how you put this story in a modern setting. I think there's so much you can do with sororities and fraternities when it comes to retelling these old stories. I also like that you gave Tommy a motive for stealing the fish. I wonder if Tommy will ever have to face any consequences for stealing. Hopefully not since his dreams already came true. I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories!

  3. Your story is so cute! I feel so bad for little Tommy until he kind of turns into a jerk by taking all of the fish. I am curious how the rest of his story turns out. Is he happy now that everyone comes to his to party? Were all of dreams really worth stealing the fish? Maybe Tommy should have gotten caught and taught a lesson instead of realizing all dreams through thievery. I also really want to know why Tommy was never invited to the parties. Was he a terrible person? I do really like that Tommy became so popular and I love how clever and determined he is to have the best parties. Do you think maybe Tommy would have a kind heart and invite the neighbors to his amazing parties? Or is he also mean and refuses to invite them out of spite for never receiving and invitation? I think I would like to see him redeem himself by being inclusive in the end, but after the way he was treated that wouldn't really be human nature.

  4. I think it's awesome that you turned this rhyme into a story that I think every college kid can relate too. I have definitely envied people having awesome parties while I'm at home doing nothing! It was a really great story. It showed us how we all want to do what others are doing to be cool because we know that's what people like. I wonder what would have happened if Tommy had embraced his life and not tried to be better than his neighbor, or if he had just gone over to his neighbors party and had fun there instead. He could have even caught the fish for his neighbors and helped them out! That would have been an interesting ending to the story that would have made Tommy into a good guy instead of stealing other peoples fish. I look forward to reading more stories from you! Good job!
