Friday, August 26, 2016

Reading Options

For my week 2 reading a I chose, Homer's Odyssey. This unit grabbed my attention because it is a journey. I feel like this unit will be easy to follow and interesting to read about the journey and what problems arise. When thinking of a journey, I think of a thriller and the suspense of what will happen next and how that person will defeat the problems and so I am looking forward to reading about Odysseus and his journey. 

The next unit that grabbed my attention was, Alice in Wonderland. I loved the movie as a child and was often Alice for halloween. The connection I had from the movie and knowing somewhat about Alice in wonderland grabbed my attention. I think I will enjoy this one because I have seen the movie and will be able to compare the movie with the text.

Since I chose Alice in Wonderland, I subconsciously went to Alice's Looking Glass. Until recently I did not know there were two different stories of Alice in Wonderland. This story grabbed my attention because I want to learn actually what is "Through the looking glass and what Alice found there" because it has never really been mentioned until recently. There is a film coming out that is called "Alice through the looking glass". If this movie had not come out, I would have never known there were two stories of Alice in Wonderland. 

The final unit I chose was Cupid and Psyche. I chose this because I have always been curious as to why we have those imaginary figures on certain holidays (easter bunny, santa claus). I think it will be interesting to read and find out why we reference Cupid on valentines day. I have always wondered that but never thought to look it up. 

I chose all of my units aside from week 2 solely based off of the title and whether I had any connection to it or not. If I did not know anything about it, I did not click on it. I think for me if I can have a slight reference to what it will be about, it will be easier for me to follow and understand. 

The Rabbit
I chose this picture because the rabbit was one of my favorite characters in the movie. It is the first character you see from the imaginary world Alice enters. I also liked how the movie represented the rabbit so well from this image.In both movie and image, the rabbit wears a checkered jacket. 

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