Thursday, October 20, 2016

Story: The Trip

The Trip.

One sunny afternoon, one couple was completing their daily Saturday routine. They would get up, eat breakfast, do some housework and then set out to the pond to catch fish for their dinner for the following week. They did this routine every week for the 20 years they have been married and nothing changed. This afternoon was going to be a little different but the couple did not know that.

            The couple got to the pond and began to cast their lines. After a few minutes the first fish was caught, it was the usual, halibut. A few hours passed and they had caught enough halibut for their dinners. The last catch of the day was caught by the wife. She reeled in her fish to see it was something different then halibut. “Well this is new” she thought. She called over her husband and he examined the fish. He did not even know what type of fish it was but they decided to keep it anyways. Curious, the couple wanted to eat this fish immediately. When they got home they prepped the fish and began to cook it. While cooking the fish, they noticed a colorful steam was coming from the fish but did not think anything of it. Finally, the fish was cooked and they were ready to eat.

            After a few bites, the couple did not notice anything different. It tasted just like the halibut did. They continued to eat it until it was all gone. “Weird, that fish was the same as the halibut but just looked different” they thought. Little did they know, they were wrong. After an hour or so passed, they began to realize this fish was far from their usual halibut. The couple began to feel really different and they started to see things that were not there. At this moment, their trip started. Coincidentally, both the wife and husbands trip were linked. So what was happening in ones mind, the other could see and experience as well.
underwater world
            The couple was in an underwater world. They were able to swim and breath underwater just as the fish could. They began swimming around and exploring this new atmosphere. They swam over to a dark cave. This was a bad decision because in the cave was the king of sharks. The shark noticed that the halibut population had steadily been decreasing since the couple started fishing in the pond. The shark was not happy about this and wanted to punish the couple so he started to swim after them. This turned into a giant chase when finally, the shark captured the wife. The husband tried to get his wife back but lost where they swam off to. So he set forth to find his wife.  He swam and swam to find his wife and thought about giving up until he heard her voice. He swam over to where his wife was only to see her tied up with vegetables and spices. The sharks were cooking her just like the couple cooked their halibut friends. They were seconds away from dropping her into the pan and closing the oven door when suddenly the couple woke up gasping for air. They realized everything that happened was all a dream, they never went under water or met the king shark. The fish they had cooked earlier happened to be a psychedelic fish and after eating it, the fish took them on a wild crazy hallucinogenic trip.


Authors Note:

I read the story The Woman Stolen by Killer Whales from the Native American Marriage Tales unit. I chose this reading solely based off of the title because with a title like that the stories you can imagine are endless. While reading the story, I realized that I could definitely write my own story based off of this. A quick summary of the original story is; a married couple are fishing when they catch a new fish. They realize the fish is different than their usual ones they caught but continued to keep the fish anyways. The wife went to wash her hands off in the water, when she was captured by a whale and dragged under the water. The husband went after his wife and eventually saved her. I used the same concept as the original story but my own modern twist to it. I also wanted the story to be somewhat realistic. Although going on a psychedelic trip is not common for most, it is not impossible. I like to write about stories through dreams because I feel like dreams are where you imagine the most and are most creative. e sHe


  1. Hi Geena! I like how you decided to put your own modern twist to the story because it made it really interesting for me to read. You are a really good writer- when I was reading, I could actually picture everything that was happening because you made the story so visual. I also liked the pictures that you included in the post as well. Good job!

  2. Awesome story! As I was scrolling through your stories, my attention was caught by the pictures that you added. They are so fun and colorful while also accurately representing your story! I like how you made the story a little more modern and gave them hallucinations in a dream-like state. I totally agree with you, dreams are somewhere you can be extremely creative and things don't necessarily need to make sense!

  3. Hi Geena! This was an amazing story. On a random note, I love the background and theme of your blog! The photos that you added to this post really make it vibrant and super fun to read. I love how descriptive everything was, it was so enjoyable! I like how you kept it realistic but also a little different! Great job!

  4. Hey Geena,
    I thought your story was really fun to read! I like how you added your own modern twist to this story. It made it more realistic. I also liked how they both were experiencing the same thing at the same time. The picture that you added was a really great addition to your story as well. Overall, great story!

  5. Great story!! I love the spin you put on the original story! It was a very modern twist to make it a hallucination from eating bad fish!! One thing that could have made the story better was if you incorporated some dialogue into the flow! It would have given your story even more detail! Overall, great story! You really created a fun twist to the original story!

  6. I wonder if they stopped eating fish after that! Or maybe just not fish the look funny when you cook them. They probably need to call the EPA about that pond. I liked this story and especially how you changed it from the original to try to make it more plausible. I wish you had described the underwater scene more because I feel like that would have been amazingly interesting. The pictures you chose to go with it though are great. Especially that last picture. It's fun and full of color and really exactly like the story.

  7. I really liked how colorful the photos are that you chose for this story (to illustrate the trippiness). I think it was creative how you took the idea of the wife being taken while they were catching fish, and transformed it so that their experience still had to do with catching fish, but happened in a very different way. I also enjoy the way the sharks were going to cook the woman like people cook fish, instead of just, ya know, eating her.
